Appetite suppression can play a key role in any successful weight loss program. Although some people are strong enough to fight their hunger urges and go it alone, many are not and there is no need to feel ashamed if you need a little extra help to stick to your calorie-restricted diet.
If you are looking for an appetite suppressant these days, you will be spoiled for choice. There are a lot of options available, but many of them are lacking in power or simply do not work at all. However, there are a few that can deliver the goods, and do so without causing side effects, and five of them stand head and shoulders above the rest.
PhenQ’s reputation as an appetite suppressant is probably mostly thanks to the nopal content. Nopal is a cactus extract that has been used as an appetite killer for hundreds of years.
Scientists have yet to define the way nopal works on the appetite but it has been speculated its abilities may be due to one or more of the many amino acids that are included in its makeup.
More recently, scientists have discovered nopal also functions as a fat blocker. This makes it doubly valuable because every gram of fat eaten would normally provide the body with nine calories.
Nopal’s ability to shield dietary fat from the digestive enzymes can make a big difference to a calorie controlled diet and help lower the daily calorie intake considerably.
The fat blocking ability of nopal offers a rather interesting bonus because the presence of the blocked fat inside the digestive organs can create a feeling of satiety that causes the brain to cancel the signals it was sending the body to encourage it to eat.
What do PhenQ customers really think – click here
A best-selling diet pill that has been around for a long time. It may no longer be the market leader, but Phen375 is still way ahead of the pack and has been such a successful product, for so many years, some of the less scrupulous diet pill manufacturers have come up with copy-cat products that have a similar bottle but are incapable of providing the same intensive weight loss support as the real Phen375.
However there is no need to be fooled. The genuine product is only available from the official website. If you see it for sale elsewhere you’re looking at a fake.
The hunger suppressing ability of Phen375 is no secret. A lot of people have lost a lot of weight with this product and done so without feeling hungry. The manufacturers have sold over 200,000 bottles and customer reviews are excellent.
With a name like “Phen375”, it’s pretty clear this diet pill is intended to be a safe and legal alternative to the prescription appetite suppressant Phentermine. The pills even mimic Phentermine by duplicating its white with blue specks look. It’s more than just an appetite suppressant though. Phen375 can further assist weight loss by increasing the metabolism and helping you to burn fat.
What do customers think of Phen375 – click to find out
Proactol XS
Proactol XS is a good appetite suppressant that some dieters may overlook because it’s primarily marketed as as fat blocker. A gram of fat provides nine calories, so any good fat blocker that works in the promised way can be very useful for reducing the amount of calories the body receives each day.
The fat blocking action of Proactol XS is provided by chitosan. The body cannot absorb chitosan, but chitosan can absorb the dietary fat it encounters in the digestive system and, by doing so, chitosan makes the fat indigestible too. The presence of the resulting chitosan-fat compound provides a feeling of satiety and the appetite is suppressed.
Unfortunately, some of the people who don’t overlook Proactol XS may still be tempted to avoid it. Even those who are aware of how good an appetite suppressant it can be.
Most diet pills that contain chitosan use the type that is taken from sea-living crustaceans. This is unsuitable for people who are vegetarian or allergic to seafood. However, the chitosan used in Proactol XS does not present such problems because its obtained from a species of fungus and is known to be more powerful than the other form.
Can Proactol XS really help you lose weight – click here
Like many of the best appetite suppressants, Phentaslim is a versatile diet pill that covers several bases and is good for helping dieters to lose weight quickly.
At the time of this review Phentaslim had succeeded in impressing over 100,000 customers. Due to the fact that it is so cleverly named, a lot of people who buy the pills have discovered them because they were searching for a way to buy Phentermine online.
The prescription only drug Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that is often seen as being the be all and end all when it comes to weight loss, but it’s abilities are incredibly overrated and many former Phentermine users who have switched to Phentaslim say Phentaslim offers superior results.
The strong appetite suppression provided by Phentaslim is partly due to its caffeine content. Caffeine has proven hunger curbing abilities and it gets to work fast.
There is some guarana in the formulation as well. It provides caffeine too, but does so more slowly so the benefits can go on for extended periods of time. However Cayenne is probably the main appetite suppressor because it provides capsaicin. Science shows that it works and it’s also a powerful fat burner.
Can Phentaslim really help you lose weight – click here
Gravitate Supersculpt
Supersculpt is an appetite suppressant created by the folks over at Gravitate Nutrition. The only other product they sell is a nutritional supplement called DietVits and it’s intended to be used alongside Supersculp.
This is not a bad idea because anyone who is eating less food to lose weight may also be failing to get all of the vitamins and minerals they need.
DietVits is a quality product that should be able to pick up the slack and some of the inclusions are likely to help speed up weight loss. B Vitamins are good for the metabolism, and chromium balances insulin levels and can help prevent the after-meal sugar spikes that can trigger a desire for sweet food.
The reason Gravitate Supersculp is such a good appetite suppressant is due to its simple formulation that consists of one scientifically proven ingredient.
It’s called glucomannan and its highly absorbent nature allows it to soak up water inside the stomach and then expand to form a gelatinous mass that fills the stomach cavity and makes it feel pleasantly full. When the stomach feels full it signals the brain and the brain responds by dulling the desire for food.
The other impressive thing about Supersculp is the dose. Two pills provide 1,000mg, and the European Food Safety Authority confirm this is the amount that is needed to get the best results.
Read more detail on Gravitate here