What are the best diet pills to buy for 2016, the English speaking market is spoilt for choice – whether you are a customer from the US, Canada, Australia and the UK the following best of breed list should give you contemplative information to form your choice.
But first, consider this ….Diet pills ahh… the very subject can bring about much debate. Do they work? Which are best? Well the diet pill industry has some pretty appallingly bad specimens in its midst, the type of products you find marketed on Ebay or Amazon. It also has some highly effective products that if used correctly can help you achieve what you want them to do – to lose weight. Not every diet product sold on Ebay and Amazon is a dud but it does tend to be a breeding ground for the spurious. With this in min d we prefer to back products sold from highly reputable sources or even better direct from the manufacturer.
Making a bad choice can not only cost you money but also cost you time. so without further do here are the most popular, most positively commented on and highest regarded commercial diet pills for 2016.
PhenQ – Mult-Action fat burner, fat blocker and appetite suppressant
PhenQ’s introduction has revolutionised the diet industry bridging the gap between the prescription and commercial marketplace. PhenQ can effectively burn excess and unwanted body fat from troublesome areas such as waists, thighs and upper arms. It can prevent the formation of new fat cells as well as suppressing appetite and reducing calorie intake.
PhenQ is available to buy direct from it’s own official website without prescription. It has a long 60 day money back guarantee and ships anywhere in the world for free. The official site offers multibuy discounts and customers can pay in many currencies such as US$, AU$, CAD$, £’s and euro’s.
Click here to read the full review
Phen375 – strong fat burner and appetite suppressant
Phen375 has been the benchmark for the past few years with many manufacturers trying to replicate its success by bringing out products that are near clones in appearance. There is only only Phen375 though and its made by RDK.
Phen375 is fat burner and an appetite suppressant and it handles both mechanics of action rather well.
Its real edge though comes from its customers – its customers love Phen375 and are encouraged to write to them with their weight loss experiences.
Phen375 is our champion and comes highly recommended.
- Fat burner
- Appetite suppressant
- Legal Phentermine alternative
- Pharmacy grade ingredients
- Gives an energy boost
- Side effects free
- Thousands of testimonials
Read our in depth Phen375 review
Garcinia Extra – natural fat burner
Garcinia cambogia is arguably the most effective natural weight loss ingredient ever discovered – a position it battles with raspberry ketone. Garcinia Extra removes the choice and includes both ingredients, with the correct quantities of each.
There are many Garcinia Cambogia brands available range from a few dollars. Not all brands are equal though with many cheaper brands skimping on the quality of ingredient.
You will have to watch the short video on our review to appreciated why we rate Garcinia Extra as our first choice in this category
- Powerful natural fat burner
- Burns excess fat
- Prevent additional fat from forming
- Toughens immune system
- Improves circulation
- No side effects
- Critically Acclaimed, certified
Read our Garcinia extra review here
Activ8X – diet drops and diet plan
There are so many brands of diet pills available we could list our top 5 or top 10 … even out top 20. But why would you want to buy the 7th best when Phen375 or Garcinia Extra are available.
Activ8X however, is something different – this is a product that can be used either a sole diet aid or in conjunction with the above two products.
Activ8X is diet drop that comes bundled with the AVX Diet Plan – it is not exactly cheap but then again quality seldom is.
- Powerful natural fat burner
- Controls hungers
- Boosts metabolism
- Block some carbohydrates
- AVX diet plan included
- No side effects
- Rave reviews